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Fränzel, N., Greifzu, N., Wenzel, A.
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Müller, St., Stephan, B., Gross, H.-M.
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Zhang, Y., Müller, St., Stephan, B., Gross, H.-M., Notni, G.
Point Cloud Hand-Object Segmentation Using Multimodal Imaging with Thermal and Color Data for Safe Robotic Object Handover.
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Müller,  St., Wengefeld, T., Trinh, T. Q., Aganian, D., Eisenbach, M., Gross, H.-M.
A Multi-Modal Person Perception Framework for Socially Interactive Mobile Service Robots.
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Wengefeld, T., Müller, St., Lewandowski, B., Gross, H.-M.
A Multi Modal People Tracker for Real Time Human Robot Interaction.
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Zhang Y, Zhang C, Nestler R, Rosenberger M, Notni G.
Efficient 3D object tracking approach based on convolutional neural network and Monte Carlo algorithms used for a pick and place robot.
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Efficient 3D object tracking approach based on convolutional neural network and Monte Carlo algorithms used for a pick and place robot.
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